Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Further Art Presentations (11/2/2013)

At the start of this session we watched the remaining presentations of the group.

Afterwards I started to work on my final environment. You can see the process below.

Raising the contrast on the original image I was able to make the lines stand out more. I then started to separate each area of the fore ground building and paint it.
I decided to go with bright colours so as to show a contrast to the otherwise dark underground setting the city is in. Hopefully by including the sources of light later on I will be able to show this more clearly in my final piece.
This I decided to make a start on with the glow I gave the Christmas lights around the water tower.  

I almost forgot that I wanted to reduce the background's contrast in order to make the foreground stand out so I went back and did this before continuing.
Bonnie then advised me to make the front part of the background darker in colour to show the distance of the buildings further away. This is a good idea as the further away something is then the less detailed and colourful it appears. Therefore I made a mental note on this by including the words 'dark colours' and 'light colours' in the areas that would need them most.

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