After my presentation I was given the following comments and advice from both my peers and my lecturer.
- Really well presented and eye catching. Also liked how I annotated it clearly.
- Great use of progress and effort I put into the final piece e.g. the stages I went through in order to figure out what the character would wear, outfit designs, faces and even how to drape the clothes correctly.
- Gave good examples of techniques used e.g. lost and found line on the nose.
- As I hoped, the character was well received and people recognised her as a calm, passive person especially, since I put her into a position one could compare with a praying mantis. They also felt that the eyes were good as they look directly at the audience and therefore this adds to both how relaxed she is and in some ways makes her mysterious. This is something new to me as when drawing her eyes I never thought about this. Therefore I am glad that people interpreted my work this way.
- As I recognised before the presentation the feet could have been a lot bigger, although the lecturer said in my defence that smaller hands and feet could easily fit into the style of an action adventure genre as the style for such games includes disproportionate hands and feet.
- Could have talked more about my environments in terms of their purpose in my imaginary game and why the player visits them.
Below is the assessment sheet that evaluated my presentation and my overall score of 66 which is fantastic considering I am at university level. My lecturer said that because it was a High 2.1 and close to getting a First that I should next time become more confident with my lines. Unsure of what this meant he explained that so far my drawing lines look a bit crooked and therefore need to be more rounded. Thus more confident.
The rest of the session was then spent watching the others presentations and reviewing their fantastic work.
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