You can see the credit card concepts again below:
I decided to go with pose 1 and 6 as the first one had a good stance and therefore I felt would look even better extended to include an open leg stance instead of a boring straight one. Also I chose number 6 for its originality as I haven't seen too many female characters in this position before, although I recognise that her upper body needed to be in proportion to her lower body.
Spending quite a few hours on both pieces was necessary in the end as not only was I drawing A4 versions that required more detail than quick credit card sized ones, but I was also drawing a female character and therefore am still practicing their anatomy.
After a lot of erasing and changes I finally came up with the two following pieces. I also decided to scan both of them twice in order to show the rough versions of them before the penned versions.
Looking at the above I could see changes I need to make. Therefore I decided to draw the second image with a longer t-shirt so as it would not only cover most of her trousers, but also make it look like an XXL size. I also went back to my research images and noticed what I was doing wrong with the foot and therefore decided to change it for the penned version. Finally I had forgotten to do the camouflage patterns on her combat trousers and will make sure to include these in the final piece.
The penned versions came out even better than I had hoped and whereas I notice that I went over some of the lines by accident I know I can rub them out on Photoshop. Sadly, I can see that I messed up the first image's eyes as her pupils look different. Hopefully I will be able to correct these on Photoshop, otherwise I will find it hard to forgive myself for such an error.
Overall even though I am pleased with coming up with two final sketches I recognise that I still need to work on my characters hands and feet as they are either not in proportion or are too 'spade like' e.g. fingers and toes are the same length.
However, I feel that from drawing a female character for this task not only has my skill at drawing improved, but also my ability to draw women. Therefore I hope this skill increases over time so as I can one day feel completely confident in my work and not worry about mistakes.
I will also make sure to draw more lightly in the future as even though I only used a 2H pencil the lines came out darker than I had expected. Therefore taken a lot longer to rub out and sadly still showing up in my sketch book.
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