Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Life Drawing Session 1 (2/10/2013)

Start of Year 2!

Having practised for the life drawing, which was today, I felt that I did quite well. 

With me as the only participant, it took me a little while to get used to the concept of life drawing and sketch the model in numerous poses in under two minutes. But, once I figured out just to make them quick sketches and not detailed ones, as well as just think of the model as a 'model', I slowly become more confident in what I was drawing. 
The lecturer reminded me of a technique I had not used in a while. By putting the end of a pencil to your eye and using the end of it you can determine the figures proportions e.g head, chest, stomach, crotch, legs and ankles. Once done, you then use their head as a measurement for the rest of the body. This technique helped, especially when the model was bent over.
I also learnt that you could use this technique for diagonal and horizontal lines as well since a 'head' is the same length as a figure's shoulder length. Although, it took me a while to get right I feel that I have managed to get a reasonable hand on this technique. If you don't feel that your getting results with just a pencil though you can also use a small folded piece of paper in order to figure out the measurements.  

Afterwards, we then went onto slightly more detailed five minute drawings before doing one big thirty minute portrait. During this second attempt, the model suggested that I keep my arm as straight as possible when figuring out the head measurements. Otherwise, when I bend my arm back to look at it it makes the measurement larger due to looking at it closer. Thus keeping my arm outstretched at all times keeps the measurement the same and doesn't mess up the portrait's perspective.
This image can be seen below.


Finally we finished on a drawing that was meant to only take forty five minutes, but instead took seventy five. This one was obviously the most detailed of the lot and included shading, smudging and erasing to make the model come to life on the canvas. 
During this time the lecturer advised, that when drawing body hair, I should draw curved lines along the limbs am if they were cylinders in order to make the hair more realistic.
This image can be seen below.


Overall, I feel that this first session went well, as the three hours went by quickly. I also feel that I have learn't some new techniques that I will be able to use the next time I attempt life drawing. 
I also feel that I will try and use charcoal next time so as to try using a completely different resource, instead of just a pencil.