Pimp my gun:
For my first task I had to create a gun of my own design on the website 'Pimp my gun'. This was done so as to allow our creative minds to flow in the morning as well as to help us come up with ideas for when we draw our objects later.
I decided to make my gun a mixture of metal and wood as I love the design of the original Tommy gun as seen below.
You can see the result when comparing my design below to the Tommy gun above:
I then went onto Photoshop and edited the gun in order to remove certain aspects I decided I no longer liked or was unsure of. I even added a gun strap that I found online and edited it using Photoshop.
See the changes below:
Overall I like both designs for different reasons. The first one looks really big and powerful, but how one would carry this around in reality could be problematic. Therefore, perhaps it is more suitable for a stand or on top of a vehicle.
The edited gun is more compact and looks as if it could be carried more easily thanks to the added strap. I also imagine the second design to fire electrical bolts due to the part that looks like a battery of some sort situated next to the trigger, also the middle section of the gun looks similar to electrical equipment.
As I like both designs I could always say that the bottom one is the original version whilst the above one is its upgraded version.
My Object Drawing:
Having looked a number of artists that have drawn objects and vehicles, I decided to draw some type of vehicle after discovering that my original design idea of a living weapon with a personality would be too close to a character design.
Researching ideas I am torn between drawing a space ship or a submarine as the latter is hardly seen in video games. Maybe I will draw a combined version of both so as to get the best of both ideas.
I spoke with my lecturer who gave me many great ideas and details for a space ship submarine as he knew of a fictional story in which such a thing existed which could only land in water, thus explaining its multiple purposes. For example, it could have propellers and fins to help it through the water and a big engine for space travel. It could also perhaps pass through gas belts surrounding planets such as Jupiter thanks to both of these features.
The drawing below is by Mike Hill and I will use it for my reference image.
- The curved nature of its design helps to not only give it a slick appearance, but also helps those looking at it believe that it could easily cut through water. It looks almost like a fish as it appears to have fin like additions.
- Absolutely love its circular and semi transparent window.
- Looks as if it could open and close like a fish's mouth which is a nice touch.
- The circles on it look too much like dents and/or bullet holes to me, and not what the artist probably intended them to be.
I also took the following photos for further references that I might use for my initial ideas.
Personal and peer feedback as to which design I should choose:
I first drew 6 object designs with the following reactions:
- The angle of 1 added a certain coolness to the design. Plus the
inclusion of a lower observing deck made the ship look more layered.
- Loved number 2's hollow center as it added to the ships originality and style. Therefore I decided to include this hollowness in 4 and 6.
- 3 has a very interesting and elaborate design, especially with the two spinning rings behind it that lead some sort of trail of energy.
- The smoothness of 4 and 5 help to make these drawings look more sea worthy, as further pointed out by the bubbles coming out of them.
- 6 looked as if it it was trying to combine too many design ideas.
- May not draw 1, 4, 5 or 6 as for some reason those designs remind me of existing ones. Whether or not I subconsciously drew them from existing references in my mind I'm not sure, but I may not want to risk drawing something so unoriginal.
- Others really liked my work and said that I was a good artist which was great to hear. Though one idea that they came up with was trying to design a ship based on my original pilot sketch, thus connecting the two. They also said that they reckoned my art would best be drawn more three dimensionally as seen in 3,4 and 5. I had already recognised this, but I decided to draw 2 and 6 deliberately from a bird's eye view so as to get my thoughts down on paper.
Then I drew another 6 object designs which got these reactions:
- 7 and 11 were meant to catch aspects of my previously drawn pilot, however, whereas 11 looked more like his clothes I feel that 7's slicker design made it look less cartoon like.
- Loved the sheer scale and design of 8 as not only does it look like it could last in a fight, but it also looks as if it is perfect for agile flying thanks to its fans. However, these fans don't look as if they can turn around for underwater missions and would likely be useless in space, so considering my orignal idea I may not go with this design unless I decide to make it more space worthy.
- 9 is a longer version of 2 which I wanted to try, but felt lost its original appeal from being stretched, therefore I am glad that I gave this design a go as ideas in your head don't always go according to plan.
- 10 is a combination of 2 and 3 as demonstrated by its rings and jagged surfaces. I can already imagine this design being very popular as not only does it look unique but I think how it flies would be interesting to watch as well.
- Similar to 4 and 5, number 12 seems as if it would be perfect for diving underwater. I also love the design aspects of 2 that I included for this design. Now while I do think this is a good fun design I don't think there is enough to it for me to really put my skills into. Therefore I may leave this one for when I have more free time.
After looking over my designs I have decided to draw number 2 as, not only does its design stand out the most to me visually, but also ideally e.g. both the ring and the cockpit could individually spin around and thus allow the ship to pass through gaps and even let enemies fighters and attacks pass through its hollow center which I have never seen in a space ship before.
As for the design itself, I feel that it will be primarily known as a space ship, but will have the design and speed to get through gas clouds and water without the need for propellers, thus adding to the overall awesomeness of my idea.
deSantis, G (2008)
3D concept spaceship models. Available at:
http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/desantis_spaceship_yellow.jpg (Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Hill, M (Unknown)
Mini Sub. Available at:
(Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Schad, P (2006)
spaceship unfinished. Available at:
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/310/5/b/spaceship_unfinished_by_PS_D.jpg (Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Unknown (2008)
Giant Bomb: Dig Deeper into Tommy Gun. Available at:
http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/13197/340296-tommygun_63.jpg (Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Unknown (Unknown)
Rifle Strap for Airsoft Rifles. Available at:
http://www.ultimate100.net/airsoft-images/airsoft-guns-RS-1.jpg (Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Unknown (Unknown)
Space Centaur Spaceship. Available at:
(Accessed: 20/11/2012).
Unknown (Unknown)
PIMP MY GUN BETA. Available at:
http://pimpmygun.doctornoob.com/app.php (Accessed: 20/11/2012).